The Art of Preaching
The Resurrection People Podcast
NEW: The Resurrection People Podcast

NEW: The Resurrection People Podcast

Today: Exodus 3:1-15

I am really excited to announce The Resurrection People Podcast. Each week, I will post reflections on three readings from the Bible, drawn from the Revised Common Lectionary.

For awhile now, I have been looking for a way to connect what we do through The Art of Preaching with a broader community (not just preachers). And several of you have asked for a an audio format.

Our weekly written email content will remain consistent on all subscription tiers. This is an additional free, devotionally-focused resource for EVERYONE!

The goal is to have multiple short episodes every week. Most episodes will be shorter (and “tighter”) than this one. Thanks for your patience as I get into a groove.

The podcast will eventually populate on other podcast platforms, so you can subscribe on Apple, Spotify, etc. You will not receive an email for every episode, so make sure you keep an eye out on those platforms.

Finally, you know how this goes: I’d love it if you could share this widely. And if you could subscribe, rate, review that would be amazing! Also, I’d love your feedback!

Grace and Peace,

Preston Sharpe †

Music: By Samuel Schmidt

Intro and Outro: McKenna Schmidt

The Art of Preaching
The Resurrection People Podcast
Regular reflections on readings from the Bible, drawn from the Revised Common Lectionary.